Advisory Notice
The FRC Efficiency Statement dated 11 January 2022 requires the use of the assets and Income template ES2 at the First Appointment (para 11), the FDR (para 13) and the final hearing (para 21). In our Notice dated 11 January 2022 (as placed on on 12 January 2022) we explained that the FLBA had drafted ES2 and we expressed gratitude to them for doing so.
The feedback that has been received since ES2 was promulgated has generally been highly positive although there have been some teething problems, and in some instances a misunderstanding as to how it should be compiled and used. The FLBA money and property subcommittee has therefore kindly produced guidance on the correct use of ES2, with an attached example. (Click Here)
We are happy to endorse this advice which seems to us to be sensible and helpful. We consider that it should be followed unless it is impractical not to do so.
1 February 2022