“The following directions shall apply to this hearing: –
1. This trial is taking place in court.
2. In proceedings where all parties agree the trial shall be conducted remotely, they should inform the court accordingly and submit a draft order.
3. The judge will rule on taking evidence or other remote participation during the hearing.
4. Any party seeking to call evidence or otherwise participate remotely must ensure that witnesses and individuals concerned can access Skype or another video platform agreed by the judge.
5. All participants are expected to observe Government rules on social distancing current at the time of the hearing and to co-operate with members of staff attempting to enforce such rules or guidelines.
6. Any party intending to attend the Central Family Court with personnel other than the following must inform the Central Family Court Office of the fact before the day of arrival and seek the permission of the judge:
a. The parties themselves;
b. One legal representative or McKenzie Friend;
c. Witnesses;
d. An interpreter;
e. An intermediary;
f. In the case of a corporate party, one representative of the corporate body (for example, in the case of a local authority the social worker may attend, but a team manager may not also attend without the permission of the judge).
7. Parties shall supply a list of these attending to the Central Family Court Office by email no later than 24 hours before the hearing.
8. Parties shall make all reasonable efforts to comply with any time given for arrival at the Central Family Court on the day of the hearing.
9. Parties are warned that the listing time for a case may be staggered. Parties should not assume that a case will be listed at 10 a.m.
10. Parties may be allocated a conference room or rooms and, if so, shall utilise those rooms and not any other conference rooms.
11. Parties should leave the court building promptly after concluding all business (which includes any necessary drafting or orders or advice to clients etc.)