The President of the Family Division, senior and local judiciary are recommending that parties, particularly in financial remedy cases, try to reach resolution outside the court system.   This will reduce the pressure on the courts and avoid delay. Trinity Chambers are ideally situated to assist in this and can offer virtual forms of dispute resolution, private FDRs and forms of early neutral evaluation appropriate to children private law, TOLATA and inheritance cases. We can also facilitate virtual round table conferences and negotiations between advocates ‘as if at court’.

A number of members of Trinity Chambers sit as part time judges in the Family Court, the Coroner’s Court and other tribunals including:

Tina Harrington

John Brooke-Smith

Gabriel Posner

Cherry Twydell

Richard Balchin

Grahame Richardson

Tiffany Wilkinson


They and other senior members of Trinity Chambers are able to accept instructions as “judges” and on instructions from parties in dispute resolution hearings whether in these or other chambers. Richard Balchin is also an IFLA children law arbitrator and David Obrien a family law mediator.


It is important to stress that during the current outbreak cases will make no or very slow progress if they are dealt with in the court system. Other forms of resolution are increasingly important and the strong advice from the judiciary is that these are used.


Please contact Trinity Chambers to discuss your case and the alternatives as well as the costs and availability of representation