• ~ Trinity Chambers – The Chambers of Tina Harrington ~

A mini-pupillage at Trinity Chambers is not a prerequisite for your application for pupillage. Trinity Chambers does encourage potential applicants to experience life at the Bar through a mini-pupillage whether with us or elsewhere.

We offer mini-pupillages of between one and three days which are an opportunity to gain an insight into the work we do and the atmosphere in Chambers. Mini-pupils can expect to meet several members of Chambers and might:

i. accompany members to court;
ii. sit in and observe a conference;
iii. review and discuss a set of papers.

You will be asked to sign a confidentiality agreement at the start of the mini-pupillage

Who May Apply?

Mini-pupils must be at least 18 years of age, although priority will be given to those undertaking the final year of their law degree, the GDL or the BPTC. A mini-pupillage in Chambers is not a pre-requisite to an application for pupillage, although prospective pupils are encouraged to apply.

Our mini-pupillages are not formally assessed. In other words, there is no test or exam, and you will not be given any work to do. You need not have any prior legal knowledge of any kind. You will merely observe, learn and hopefully enjoy yourself. We expect our mini-pupils to be dynamic and enthusiastic. You must be dressed smartly in business attire, and arrive promptly at all times.

How to apply?

An application for mini-pupillage must be made by way of a short introductory email to mpupillages@trinitychambers.com using the applicant’s name as the subject heading and attaching an up-to-date CV.

Applicants are invited return a completed diversity monitoring questionnaire with their application.

We remind applicants not to be discouraged by unsuccessful applications. There is a high demand for mini-pupillages and only a limited number of spaces.

The Pupillage Committee will review applications for mini-pupillage on a quarterly basis.

Equality and Diversity

Trinity Chambers has a firm commitment to and diligently operates an Equal Opportunities policy. For further information please contact Keith Willmore, our Senior Clerk.