• ~ Trinity Chambers – The Chambers of Tina Harrington ~

Trinity Chambers is committed to equality of opportunity and to compliance with the Bar Standards Board’s Equality and Diversity Rules, as well as the Bar Council’s Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Hub.

  • All individuals coming into contact with chambers are treated on merit and are not discriminated against on the grounds of their ethnic, national or regional origin, nationality, citizenship, age, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, disability, religion or political persuasion.
  • View our Equality and Diversity Policy 2023
  • View our Reasonable Adjustments Policy 2023

Our Anti-Racist Statement
Trinity Chambers accepts the recommendations of ‘Race At the Bar: A Snapshot Report’ and is committed to an anti-racist agenda. At Trinity Chambers, we recognise our duty to promote equality and diversity within chambers and at the Bar. As a chambers and as individuals we recognise that we have a duty not to discriminate unlawfully against any person. We are committed to creating an inclusive culture in which clients, members, staff, pupils, mini-pupils, service providers and applicants from all backgrounds feel welcome, and are treated fairly, without discrimination.

We believe that this means not merely refraining from acting in a racially discriminatory way but taking proactive steps to confront and remedy the effects of racism. We recognise the impact of racism and discriminatory behaviour across all levels of society, and the role that all organisations must play in challenging racism and delivering anti-racist practice by changing the systems, policies and practices, structures, attitudes, and cultures that inhibit racial equality.

In chambers we take a zero-tolerance approach to any form of racism whether conscious, unconscious, intended or unintended, and we will not tolerate any discriminatory behaviour. We will take all steps necessary to increase diversity within Trinity Chambers. Beyond that we are committed to support steps to improve access to the Bar.

Trinity Chambers is committed to

  • developing effective data monitoring systems;
  • ensuring an inclusive approach is taken to recruitment;
  • supporting inclusive retention and career progression;
  • setting targets by which we can measure the progress we have made in meeting our goals;
  • ensuring that all policies, processes and systems challenge discriminatory impacts;
  • maintaining a group dedicated to the anti-racist agenda in chambers which includes senior barristers and a member of the clerks room;
  • creating a safe and encouraging environment for everyone to develop the knowledge and confidence to talk about and combat racism within chambers and in society;
  • encouraging members to involve themselves in initiatives to improve diversity at the Bar;
  • providing and making it an expectation that its members and clerks room will attend anti-racist training;
  • ensuring that leadership of chambers understands its responsibility to monitor the progress of these commitments.

Trinity Chambers makes this statement to signal its intent to fight racism and discrimination in all its forms and so that we may be held to account in respect of the commitments we make.